Welcome to the events page

Northumberland Bat Group events will be posted here. This page will be subject to regular updates, so do keep checking for new dates for bat walks, talks and surveys. To come on one of our events you will need to be a NBG member. This is free and easy to do. All you have to do is sign up to our mailing list. Once you are signed up, you are effectively a “member”. How easy is that?

Bat Conservation Trust - Inclusion Challenges and Opportunities for Bat Groups - online gathering - 30th July 7pm.

BCT is hosting an online gathering to discuss inclusion challenges and opportunities that bat groups face on Tuesday 30th July at 7pm. We invite you to join to exchange ideas, share tips and advice, explore challenges and discuss what learning, research or resources might help us all to be more inclusive. To get more people involved with bat conservation and your bat group

You can book your free place here: https://bit.ly/3L2uM8h. Bring your questions, success stories or challenges – wherever you and your bat group are at in your inclusion journey, everyone is welcome.

Bat Walks (second half ) 2024

This year we have decided to continue with the bat walks in spring rather than just doing them all in August September. Below is the list of walks to date. For walks where we are still awaiting confirmation, the meeting point google pin has been omitted. As soon as the event is confirmed it will be updated. No need to book a spot, just turn up. If the event is cancelled due to the weather, this page will be updated to reflect this – like a mini message board.  

Friday 21st June 2024 – Warkworth Bioblitz. Information to be posted once received by Northumberland CC. 

Monday 19th August 2024 – St Mary’s Island and coast. Meet in the car park by the slip way @ 2020hrs.  Google location pin is here

Thursday 22nd August 2024 – Castle Eden Dene. Details to follow as this is being organised on behalf of Durham CC. 

Wednesday 28th August 2024 – Land of Oak and Iron, on the Derwent River, near Swalwell. This event can be booked using this link: Booking

Thursday 29th August 2024 – Jesmond Dene. Meet @ 2010 hrs close to Pets corner

Tuesday 3rd September 2024 – Hexham Riverside Park. Meet @ 1945 hrs near to the canoe club parking

Thursday 5th September 2024 – Chopwell Woods. Deatils will be posted once confirmed. Meeting @ 1945 hrs. 

What to expect: a bat walk lasts between 1 – 1.5 hours, generally walking over flattish terrain, but some walks do follow foot paths so may not be wheel chair friendly – please email contact us to find out more, as some of the walks will be suitable. For each walk, please bring warm clothes, walking shoes and a flash light, then we can provide you with a bat detector and give you a short lesson on how to use it. Walks are generally limited to 20 people, so emailing the organiser is a must. Children welcome. Cost Northumberland Bat Group organised bat walks is voluntary, we will bring a donation box, but suggest £2 per person, but it is up to you! Walks organised through other entities may vary.

Brinkburn Priory dusk bat surveys

Sunday June 2nd and Sunday June 9th, meeting by the priory at 21:00

Brinkburn Priory is one of the most important bat sites in Northumberland, with seven bat species roosting within the wider site. We are going to watch the bats emerge; we will survey the Priory one night and the Manor House on the other. We will have some bat detectors to share and there will be lots of interesting kit to have a look at. These are always great nights, lots of bats emerging, plenty of foraging activity plus noctule feeding low over the site and the river Coquet.

We are meeting down by Brinkburn Priory, the car park is at NZ118986, the post code is NE65 8AR and the what three words is ///compacts.payback.desks

It is a five minute walk down to the priory, 

We need a few people to cover all the exits so please can you let Tina know if you are planning to come, on malinka1999@btinternet.com

Cragside Dusk Bat Survey

Dates will be added once organised for 2024!

Cragside House is a bat roost with bats including brown long-eared bats known to be breeding.  We are going to watch the bats emerge; it’s a complex building and we are trying to find access points. We will have some bat detectors to share and there will be lots of interesting kit to have a look at. 

We are meeting by the north side of Cragside House, what three words ///courtyard.floating.heartened

The car park is at NU073023, the post code is NE65 7PX.

We need a few people to cover all the exits and we need to arrange access, so please can you let Tina know if you are planning to come, on malinka1999@btinternet.com

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