Setting up a new website

Over the last few months, the old NBG website has been having a few problems, most of which have been caused by the website host – Moonfruit. They use flash player to run their hosted websites, but unfortunately flash is not really widely used by anyone else. Even Google are going to cease to support … Read more

Sri Lanka – Bat Paradise!

False Vampire Bats

As a member of Northumberland Bat Group, I thought I would write a short blog about the work that I have been doing abroad, regarding bats. I learned my core skills as a member of NBG, so it is great that I can now work abroad, with “in country specialists” and undertake bat work with … Read more

City Nature Challenge – A weekend of bats!

Written by Hazel Makepeace and Graeme Smart; video footage by Graeme Smart. Members of Northumberland Bat Group spent much of the weekend of 26th to 28th April helping to collect bat records as part of the City Nature Challenge, an international citizen science event designed to engage people in documenting nature to better understand urban biodiversity and … Read more

Scottish Leisler’s Bat Project

Audience for John Haddow talk

AGM and Talk by John Haddow 14th March 2019. The AGM took place at 6pm before the 7pm talk, the minutes are available in the members area of this website. So on with the talk, by John Haddow about the Scottish Leisler’s project. The talk was presented at the Hancock museum, (arranged by Hazel Makepeace) … Read more

NBNP Hibernation Survey Update

Sunshine on the adit entrance

Thank you to Tina Wiffen for the update and to Will Walton for the photographs. The last set of NBMP (National Bat Monitoring Programme) hibernation surveys for this season took place on Sat 23rd Feb. We had a full team, with people from four bat groups, and we managed to cover all eleven adits in … Read more

Northumbrian Magazine goes batty!

Title page from article

The February/March issue of the Northumbrian magazine features a lovely article, written by Anthony Toole, who attended two harp trapping sessions with Northumberland Bat Group. He came to Bolam Lake and to Gosforth Park, where he watched the trapping session in progress. Do give the article a read, it can be found HERE! There are some lovely … Read more

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